Monday, August 16, 2010

I remember as a young child, lying on the ice at night on one of Minnesota’s ice frozen lakes near Frazee. It would be one of those cold, but very clear nights in January. The Milky Way would be brilliant and we would search for the few constellations we knew such as the ‘dippers, Cassiopeia (chair) or Orion. If the Northern Lights were showing that was an extra benefit to us kids out exploring. When our own children were young the search was expanded to find satellites moving across the sky. Naturally, we preferred this activity in the warmth of a summer evening.

Remember -------------------------------

O to see a starry night,

Stars showing all their light.

Sitting on a grassy knoll,

Taking in such a show.

There’s the dipper over there,

Then I thought I saw a chair.

A streak of light suddenly appears,

It’s falling down like a tear.

Just to see the milky-way,

Awe inspiring wouldn’t you say.

There, the artists brush is prancing,

Those northern lights are ah dancing.

T’was so quiet and tranquil there,

Leaving it didn’t seem fair.

Stars showing all that light,

O to see a starry night.

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